We have a little baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! daddy was right ;)………Everyone is healthy and happy!!!!!!! Will get a photo and stats after we take the baby to the nursery!!
Love everyone!!!


  1. Yea!!! I can go buy pink stuff!! Congratulations mommy and daddy…I know she is beautiful! (Erik won our bet..I said boy…he said girl!)

  2. E said that she wins the prize. That is awesome. Little Hannah or William will have a little girl to play with.

  3. Congrats!……from Millstream and our newest little neighbor. I WANT DETAILS,name, rank and serial number!!!!!

  4. Thank Heaven for little girls!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Congrats little family

  5. I’m one of Ruth’s friend (the one who made the baby book). Congratulations. I know everyone is excited. I can’t wait to talk to Ruth and get all the stories. I’m thankful that all is well.
    We need an update of a name, weight, … all they usual stuff.

  6. Doug & Jenn, Congratulations !! You’ve been truly blessed with the arrival of your new daughter. Ya’ll are going to make wonderful parents. Enjoy every minute with her . . she’ll grow up fast.

  7. YEAH! You are both so blessed. Children are a blessing from the Lord. Can’t wait to see her in person. Tell her that her fake Uncle Mark said Roll Tide!

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