For the love of yogurt

I think at some point he actually held it up to his face and tried to lick it out. Obviously his spoon just wasn’t cutting it tonight. 🙂

Categorized as family blog

Attention Target shoppers…

There is a woman shopping in the store pushing a huge cart full of kids and what few products she can shove in around the little people. She’s still learning how to steer these gigantic carts with crazy wheels, so please forgive her if she runs into you and don’t stare if she knocks things… Continue reading Attention Target shoppers…

Categorized as family blog

3rd baby perks

There are definitely some disadvantages to being the youngest of 3 (especially when the other 2 are so young), but there are also lots of perks. For example: Disadvantage: You have to cry a lot more than your siblings did when they were babies because your mom’s busy trying to find whatever trinket Macy needs… Continue reading 3rd baby perks

Baby thighs

Logan’s weight is finally catching up with his length…check out those chubby thighs!! (Please disregard the purple bib. This is what happens when your firstborn is not the same gender as your other babies.)


In this stage of my life, 3am is one of my favorite times of the day. Yes, I really should feed Logan and then hurry back to bed, but the quietness of 3am usually keeps me up for a few extra minutes. It is the only time when I’m awake and the entire house is… Continue reading 3am

Happy Halloween!!

After Macy’s excitement at the costume parade, I was excited about showing off my little pirate on Halloween, but in typical Macy fashion, she changed her mind about what she wanted to be.  Originally she said that she wanted to be the “girl” pirate (you know, the other costume that she shunned, the one I… Continue reading Happy Halloween!!

Pumpkin carving

Our Halloween festivities started a night early with carving the pumpkin.  Macy was really into it this year.  She was “helping” Doug transfer the image.       Steven was more excited about climbing on and off the chair than the pumpkin carving. Macy loved taking the top off the pumpkin. She was even willing… Continue reading Pumpkin carving