Pink eye and peas

We woke up Saturday morning to a very goopie eyed little boy. All 3 kids got gross eye infections with this eternal virus they’ve been passing around for 2 months…we’re talking buggars coming out of their tear ducts and red swollen eyes…yuck! This was our poor little man Saturday morning (unfortunately from this angle you can’t get a detailed view of the true “grossness” of his right eye…you’re welcome)…

Thankfully we were able to get an appointment and got some “miracle drops” for him. I call them miracle drops because 24 hours later he looked like this…

Still a little swollen (same crazy hair), but so much better!! And no, putting drops in a 7 month old’s eyes 3 times a day for 7 days isn’t nearly as horrible as I expected! He’s a trooper!!
The 2nd picture was also Logan’s 1st peas. Ever since Macy gagged when we gave her peas as a baby, I always have my camera ready for a similar response. The boys have both loved peas from the first bite, so, unfortunately, they haven’t given me the same Kodak moment as their sister. 😉